Company Profile

We are the number one manufacturer of arc welding and plasma cutting machines in Thailand.
Over half a century, our engineering team have researched, developed and constructed high quality welding machines
and plasma cutting machines.
Referred to “Tolerably, Durable, Excellent”, you can rely on our welding machines and our plasma
cutters with full
of quality. Our products, “PLANG” and “DAICHI”, can be guaranteed by the trademark.

We are proud of our commitment to produce high quality welding machines for everyone. Our products have been developed continuously by our expert R&D team with professional engineers in many different fields to ensure that customers can have better and easy-to-operate products in their hands. We listen to our customers and design our product according to their usage with safety in mind. These make our products accepted by a huge number of industrial end users.

Our production takes quality into account. We select only quality and long-lasting materials. We check and control the quality at every single stage of production. Our products are tested under severe conditions in accordance with international standards to ensure that they meet industrial usability.
Industry :
The manufacturer of arc welding and plasma cutting machines under the trademark of " PLANG" and "DAICHI".
Founded : 1971
Registered Capital : 100 million Baht
Employees : 200 employees
Trade partner countries : Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, The
Phillippines, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar